First of all, I am not a doctor or any kind of a medical expert. I am just sharing my own experience here. Please let me know in the comments if you have better solutions so that other people can try that as well. Every body is different, and the bodily problems and reactions can be triggered by many different causes. Make sure to contact the doctor first in case of any problems.
Out of the blue I noticed a strange bump in my hair. It was a bit painful at first, but you know how it is, sometimes you just get a pimple on the face or somewhere that just disappears later. Well, this thing grew bigger and suddenly I noticed that hair was not growing there. It was a small bald circle on my head. Is it the beginning of getting bald?
I had this thing for a few months, and it was not getting any smaller so I went to the local surgeon who told me that a sebaceous gland on my head just got clogged. Sometimes it’s called a sebaceous cyst. Something similar is also a pilar cysts. Anyway, I got it surgically excised. No need to be scared. The procedure is very quick, about 10 minutes. The most painful thing is the injection with the local anesthetic (no sleeping) that is not very pleasant but bearable. After that I just felt a little pressure and suddenly saw the doctor putting the extracted gland away. Then getting the stitches pulled out after a week and everything’s good! The only weird consequence was the scar. It took more than a year till the hair started to grow in that spot again but eventually they slowly appeared again. The doctor also sent the gland for analysis to make sure that there was no sign of cancer.
I got these cysts removed two times. Apparently, some people just are more prone to having this in their hair. But how did this happen? How to avoid this? I believe that I hurt myself when I was cutting my hair with a hair clipper and the place just became inflamed a bit. This probably caused the clogging. After this experience, I noticed another appearing on my head a few times. What helped me most was the apple cider vinegar! Simply putting it on a tampoon or a small piece of cloth and apply it to the cyst. Best is to do so as soon as possible to avoid having the cyst getting too big. The small cyst disappeared after doing this for a few days. I got another one, a bit bigger later and after applying the vinegar for about half an hour, the cyst suddenly burst and I saw a mixture of blood, oil and pus on the tissue. I cleaned it and it never appeared again. I also apply the vinegar a few times per month, regularly after a shower, on the skin on my head. I also wash my head with it after cutting my hair to treat possible cuts and small injuries.
Be careful! Sometimes the cyst might burst, the content getting out, but can also get big again after few days. I got that as well. Tried to clean it many times, the pus was flowing out but the cyst always got filled again. In such cases, the cedar treatment is useless and it is certainly time to visit a doctor and have it surgically removed. Repeating bursting of the cyst can lead to an external fistula, an opening into the cyst that is not closing and can serve as an entry point of infection which can be quite dangerous! After several recurrences of these cysts filled with pus, I was diagnosed with perifolliculitis abscedens et suffodiens. The treatment of this mysterious sickness is local apllication of antibiotics. If not working then antibiotic tablets are necessary for a long periods of time to get rid of the inflammatory processes in the scalp. So people claim to reduce the symptoms by diets.
From other recommended treatments I tried tea tree oil, propolis, hot compress, aloe vera and didn’t see any improvement. I also tried to pierce the cyst with a needle, press the cyst and burst it by force. I squeezed out some blood, but the cyst got filled again. The doctor also told me that I made it worse because I crushed the gland which made the excision more difficult. This is not a good thing to do. What made the cyst shrink a bit was using antibacterial (with erythromycin) and antibiotic ointment but it did not make it disappear.
So I can just recommend the apple cedar vinegar for both treatment and prevention. It’s always good to start with a highly diluted one to avoid some allergic reactions, etc.